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General FAQs About Recruitment

Below are  frequently asked questions.

If you have any specific inquiries, please feel free to email us.

  1. Do I have to major in Business to join Delta Sigma Pi?  Yes, you must be in good standing with the College of Business Administration to be considered for membership. A minor is in Business Administration will be accepted for membership into Delta Sigma Pi.
  2. What are the requirements to gain membership?  You must have at least 30 credit hours (sophomore), a 3.0 GPA or above, and meet all standard requirements per Savannah State University's guidelines to be eligible. (Please refer to the university's Student Handbook).
  3. How often does intake occur? Intake is every semester; Fall & Spring.
  4. Does Delta Sigma Pi haze? No, we do not condone in any types of behavior of that nature. We are a non-hazing organization that prides itself on brotherhood and leadership.
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